As I was sitting at my desk staring blankly at the screen…while trying to not get caught just staring at the screen…a layout popped into my mind. I love when I can envision it before it “happens”.
Digiscrapping has let me really use and explore my creative side. Especially since I’ve really been trying to make a layout a day. I haven’t run out of pictures or ideas and actually it’s all kind of come to me…just like today.
Last night while eating dinner with my husband (we grilled steaks and corn and had potato salad and noodle salad…YUM!) I was looking at this picture we have on the wall of my niece. It’s got soft colors and is the cutest picture ever. I just KNEW that would look awesome in a layout using Digitreats “skip” sets and it does! After we were finished eating I went and played around and whipped it together. I’d show it, but she’s nakkie and I still am not sure about posting pictures of the kids. But it’s cute cute cute!
Here’s the layout that was in my head. And a way to also learn a little bit about me. This was the layout that came together in my head. And this is the sweetest kit and it was a freebie too!

Papers and Elements: “Simply Adorable” by Christie at Sweet Scraps
No Template!