It’s a yuck day today…big thunderstorms rolling through. And our internet is messed up. I guess the cable company is having internet issues in all of Michigan and they couldn’t give me an estimated time it would be fixed. It’s so stupid too, because I can’t get on any blogger pagers but my own, and I can get on MySpace but not into the support forum for my husband’s disease. I don’t get it. I’m sure they will get it going soon.
So…since I can’t do my webmaster duties for the APSFA, and I’m totally avoiding cleaning the nasty kitchen, I’ve been working on some layouts.
On the Scrapmatters blog, they have “Template Tuesdays” and they were talking about nicknames and posted a template freebie. I couldn’t wait to use that and what a cool idea because all of our animals go by their nicknames more than they do their real names!
I did Malcolm aka “Mooshy’s” for the template challenge:
Then I did Alex aka “Fanna’s” next:

Template by Sya @ scrapmatters
Papers & Elements from ABC Run kit by Digitreats or add on kits by various
And then I made Onyx aka “Missy Girl’s”:
Here is Razzle aka “Yidda’s” page:

Template by Sya @ scrapmatters
Papers & Elemets from Felty Cat & Dog kits by Calico Designs
Alpha by Misschifis @ scrapmatters
Kitty tag by Major Tigger Scraps
Here’s Topaz aka “Puppa’s” page:
And finally, here’s Jellybean aka “Beans” page. I wanted to make her page all girly because she is SUCH a little prissy girl. I am convinced all girl cats are this way because of her. haha
I tried to use different pictures in these layouts because I know that I’ve been using some of the same ones over and over. You’d think with over 5 gigs of pictures on my husband and my’s picture site, I could find some different pictures to use! lol But I have my favorites!
So basically I spent the day digiscrapping! lol…actually, I did a few other things…but mainly I scrapped. It relaxes me.
I need to look up the credits for all of these and then post them. I also need to go back and post credits for the other ones that are missing them. I’ll work on that.