Last night my husband and I watched Marley & Me. We had seen it in the theatre when it was there and I read the book in 2006 when it came out. I love the story, the book is great and so is the movie. But at the same time, I hate it!! It’s SO stinking sad and my husband and I were BOTH bawling by the end credits! Not exactly what I want to be doing all of the time.
Funny thing is while I was reading the book, I couldn’t help but think of our own “Marley”, Topaz. A lot of the things that Marley did in the book/movie, Topaz has done or done something similar. My husband agrees, which just makes this movie all the more sadder for us. Actually, I’m sure a lot of people can relate to it with some dog that they’ve owned or known in their lives.
Watching that movie makes me think that our furry friends can’t be with us forever, and that we will one day have to say good bye to them. Because of Topaz’s epilepsy, his day could come sooner than we want, and actually our Onyx is already 8, so although she’s still active and acts like a puppy, she’s coming to the twilight of her life as well.
These animals come into our lives and bring us unconditional love and such joy. Everyday is different with them and they make normal boring situations funny and exciting. It’s never a dull moment at our house with this zoo running around, let me tell ya!
Anyway, I won’t be watching Marley & Me again anytime soon, but it’s a VERY good movie and more than just a “dog” movie. Definitely worth a watch!