So, I wrote last week about cleaning our kitchen and surprisingly it has stayed clean all week! YAY!
May sound trivial, but is a huge feat for us. Hopefully this will continue. It’s so nice to have the kitchen clean and I’ve really been keeping up with it…cleaning as I do things, putting things away. I really hope it never gets to how it was before. I’m really going to try to make sure we don’t go to that dark place again. No reason for it at all!
This weekend I am cleaning my office, which I’ve been calling the hoarder room all week. It is a mess. Plain and simple. No other description necessary. I should post before and after photos but I am so embarrassed at the state of it.
But starting tomorrow, I will begin to clean it. I really don’t have much else to do this weekend, thank God. Just gonna clean this room and veg with the hubbs and the zoo.
If the weather holds out, we plan on giving the Puppa a bath as well. Should be fun! LOL He also has some mats on his undercarriage that need to be taken care of. So does the Miss. Maybe we’ll get to those too.
But back to the kitchen. what a difference. I can cook, I don’t have to balance and move things around to make room on the counter to prepare and make dinner/lunch/whatever. Tomorrow morning, I can wake up and have some cereal and use a clean spoon from the drawer and a clean bowl and not have to wash them!
Now, we just have to keep it up!