This post is LATE! I’ve had a busy week….
Week 4 is complete!! Weigh in was Thursday and….drumroll…
I lost 1.3 this past week! That’s a total of 16 lbs lost.
I feel like I need to say this every week, but I know not to expect a loss every week.
In fact, this weigh in coming up and the next one I will be surprised if I do lose anything.
Sunday (Mother’s Day) we went out to lunch with my husband’s entire family (almost!). It was a buffet. I was smart about it though, I got a salad first and loaded it up with veggies. Then when I got my regular food I tried to stick to things I thought were on the healthier side and I got a lot of the cooked veggies.
I know I went over points.
I skipped the desserts at the restaurant because my in-laws got a cake for my birthday (which is this Friday).
Did I have a piece? Hell yes, I did!
I had a small piece. Much smaller than I ever would have had.
It was delicious. I’d do it again. It was worth it.
So, this coming weigh in I will be surprised at a loss.
We talked a bit about plateaus in my meeting on Thursday. Not that I am in one, but our leader was saying that the body remembers and things need to be changed up every now and then. I think I will take a break from walking in the structure this next week. It’s getting too hot to do so anyway. I’ll just walk inside the building.
We’ll see how that goes.
I’ve been back on track today and plan to be the rest of the week so we’ll see what the scale says next time.
Till then…